Professional and Administrative skills
We acquiare skills through our habits
  • Languages
    - Georgian (native speaker)
    - English (advanced)
    - German (advanced)
    - Russian (advanced)
  • Software
    MATLAB, EEG Lab, LaTeX, Brain Vision, PsyLab, SPM (fMRI data analyses), Fiji and Photoshop (Picture design and analyses), Amira (3D modelling)
  • Administrative skills
    - good in team work, 3 years of experience in team work at the company Advanced Bionics and at Carl von Ossietzky University
    - responsibility and organizational skills, organization of event inside and outside of academia for already 2 years
    - communication skills, working with participants during experimental psychology tests and being a representative for my dormitory for one year, 2 years of teaching experience with school children (4th, 9th and 10th grade)
    - working under stress, experience in studying simultaneously in double master program and in addition to that, tutoring and doing social engagement
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