Professional Practical Experience
My engagement to the project:
- Conducting negotiations with a meditation center
- Finding investors for the EEG devices
- Supervised by the creation of the study
- Installation of the equipment
- Leading the EEG recording group and taking part in data gathering (in process)
- Gathering cognitive measures with Cambridge Neurophysiological Automated Test Battery (CANTAB) and analysing them (in process)
- Pre-processing EEG data (in process)
Internship at the Lab. of Affective, Cognitive & Translational Neuroscience, Scientific Research Institute of Physiology & Fundamental Medicine, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
- 128 channel EEG recordings with normal subjects
- EEG data analyses
- Basic skills in tACS
- Cognitive function measures with the help of Cambridge Neurophysiological Automated Test Battery (CANTAB)
Practical project in 3D brain reconstruction of birds, by using sliced brain heavy metal dying techniques, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany
- Cryosectioning
- Immunohistochemistry
- Working with microscope
- 2D image analyses and processing with Photoshop and Fiji
- 3D image reconstruction with Amira
Practical course "Neurocognition" - Electroencephalography: Theory, practice, analyses, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany
- Theory behind EEG and how it works
- Introduction to hardware
- Installation of the hardware
- Basics of the behaviour with participants
- Recording the brain activity from participants
- Running finger tapping experiment
- Analyses with the help of EEG Lab
Bachelor thesis: Temporal Modulation Detection and Enhancement in Simulated Cochlear Implant Users, Advanced Bionics, Hannover, Germany
- Creation of an algorithm for the enhancement of temporal modulations
- Creation of a psycho-acoustical test and implementation of the algorithm in the test
- Testing participants
- Analysing data with the help of MATLAB
Practical part of the lecture "Neuro- and Behavioral Biology": audiology and cognitive experiment on comparison human's working memory in quiet and stress conditions using n-back test, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany,
- Using MATLAB for a visual stimulus for n-back task and spatial memory
- Creating a persistent stress stimulus
- Data analyses
Tutoring the course "Introduction to Scientific Programming I and II", where I represents a course comprising basics of MATLAB and II represents course specialized on EEG data analyses, NeuroCognitive Psychology Department, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany
- Checking PowerPoint lecture slides
- Creating new and validation of last year exercises for seminars
- Assisting students during seminars
- Creating additional tasks for self-studies
- Slide preparation for tutorials
Conducting tutorials
- Conducting exam preparation and a mock exam
Tutoring the crash course in MATLAB, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany
- Material preparation together with a team
- Giving lectures of MATLAB basics
- Assisting students during seminars
Essentials of fMRI Data Analyses with FSL and SPM, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany
- Working principles of MRI
- Basic principles of MR Image formation
- BOLD fMRI: origins and properties
- From neuronal to hemodynamic activity
- Basic statistical analyses
Experimental design
- Signal, noise and pre-processing of fMRI data
Statistical analyses of fMRI data with SMP - basic principles
Comparing the bioelectrical responses in Buddhist monks induced by visual stimulation in oddball paradigm with IAPS emotional images of three categories (pleasant, neutral and menacing) before and after intensive meditation. In collaboration with Research Institute of Physiology and Fundamental Medicine, Baikal, Russian Federation,
Representation of the study program Engineering Physics at Hamburg Fair
My engagement to the project:
- Representation of the study program Technical Physics for pupils and teachers
- Supervision of 2 laboratory exhibits
- Consulting the study program
- Tracking statistics of students
- Analyses of results, how many people were interested in the program and what their interest was for, what questions did they ask