You are business owner?
You want to work effectively?
It will take you just
10 minutes a day to complete your
8 hours job in 4 hours
Interested in the Price? :)
I'm a lot like you!

I see a lot of interesting courses, but their pricing pages usually do a lousy job at showing you their true value to you.

Our products aren't the cheapest on the market, but we all know that cheap course can sometimes turn out to be "expensive", especially if it doesn't do what you need and thus you loose time.

So, here's some perspective on Mini-Course's value VS price, so you can make an informed choice!

Founder of Light Life Academy

Light Life Academy
About "The Time"
Time is your LIFE MOVIE
If you manage it correctly you will live awesome life!
If at the moment you work 8 to 10 hours a day, think of how cool it would be to save 1 hour every day!

That would be 7 days x 1 = 7 hours a week!

What if I told you that by starting this course, you could potentially save more? What about 2 hours?

That would be 7 x 2 = 14 hours a week!

And 14 x 4 weeks = 56 hours a month!!

I don't want to promise that just by completing this course, you will transform your working schedule from 8 to 4 hours. It's just a catchy sentence. But! It's not a lie. Some of my students decreased their working time from 8 to 3 hours after diving deeper into time management!

That saves 7 x 5 = 35 hours a week!!!!

How much do you earn per hour?
Bad Side - Bad Time Management
Let's get rid of these problems forever!
  • Increased Stress
    As a business owner, you are facing many projects, goals, and challenges, which increase stress. You are the one who sets deadlines and needs to keep up with them. Poor time management leads to feeling overwhelmed by tasks and deadlines, resulting in heightened stress levels.
  • Reduced Productivity
    Inefficient use of time results in wasted hours, decreased productivity, and an inability to accomplish tasks efficiently. Who if not you will give example to your employees?
  • Missing Deadlines
    Without effective time management, deadlines are more likely to be missed, leading to consequences such as late completions of projects, poor performance, and damaged relationships.
  • Emotional Depletion
    Also known as emotional exhaustion, refers to a state of feeling mentally and emotionally drained. It occurs when an individual has expended a significant amount of emotional energy, often due to prolonged stress, intense emotional experiences, or persistent demands on their emotional resources. As an owner and leader, you have to be always fit!
  • Private Life Neglection
    Bad time management often leads to neglecting personal and social activities in favor of work, resulting in burnout, dissatisfaction, and strained relationships.
Here's the deal! ✌️

This is our brand new gamified Mini-Course on time management, which is worth of €99.99

Now, you will get it just for €8.99, less than you earn per hour!!
Why so low? Because at the moment we are testing the prices.

After first 100 sales we will increase the price.
We have something more to tell you
Also, we have ONE condition ☝️

You need to use this course to keep it! You will have 7 days to complete all lessons in the mini-course, which will take you max 90 minutes in total. And if you do, you will keep access for LIFE! ☺️But if you don't consume the course withing 7 days, then you'll LOSE access to the material.
Course Price: €8.99
Light Life Academy
To become
Great Time Manager
you need support!
Otherwise you would not be here.

We give a lot of practice!
Our Results:
Course Experience ☺️

This is a gamified Mini-Course where, by playing around, you will learn organizational, skill developmental, self-motivational, practical and high level time management methods.

You will experience very short, simply explained video material along with practical and right away applicable time management tools.
If you will not like our
If you will not like the course just text us on Instagram nikoloz.official and you will shortly get money back.

However, course is built the way that once you start, you cann't stop. It is very fun and engaging.

Try it out, there is nothing to loose, just to win! If you will not enjoy experience you will get your money back.
Course Price: €8.99
More reasons for Great Time Management
  • You Know it Better
    Honestly, you clicked the ad, so you know exactly what you need from time management. So, that is your N1 Reason 😉 Here are just a few further bonuses you will get when you learn how to manage your time:
  • More Control over your Life
    Business can take all of your time. If you lack clarity in what you do or have a vague sense of direction, you may struggle to prioritize and initiate tasks. That will decrease not only your work productivity, but private life productivity.
  • Improved Work-life Balance
    More time for family, relationships, hobbies, friends, sports, side hustles, traveling, beaches, sun, palms, adventures - this is what everyone needs. Do you have it enough?
  • Enhanced Discipline
    Discipline is power. Person with proper discipline is unstoppable. Do you want to be unstoppable?
  • Organizational Skills
    Owner is the number one person to be good in organizing. By learning how to organize your time other areas of your life will get organized automatically.
Boost yourself today!
Just for €8.99
About Author
Nikoloz Tarielashvili
Nikoloz is a self-development trainer and former researcher at Harvard Medical School. During his master's studies in Germany, he specialized in Neuro-cognitive Psychology. Now he is applying this knowledge in daily life and sharing it with the world. Nikoloz has a degree in Engineering Physics and is a Professional in the IT-Consultancy field.

He lived in five different countries and dived into many different cultures. This broad professional and international journey inspired Nikoloz to become a speaker and start a coaching career. At the moment Nikoloz helps his students to get more productive in their work, studies and private life. With scientifically proven psychological methods and productivity practices, he inspires and motivates them to live a more joyful and meaningful life.
Our Clients Love the Mini-Course
  • Before taking the mini-course on time management, I found myself constantly overwhelmed with the multitude of tasks and responsibilities that come with running a business. I was struggling to meet deadlines, prioritize effectively, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. However, after completing the course, I gained valuable insights and practical strategies that have transformed how I approach my daily duties.
    Michelle Ersa
    Founder of Be2Jump
  • This mini-course made me fall in love with time management. I can manage now my start-up duties and at the same time continue with my studies. Most importantly, I mini-course change my mindset to keep developing myself all the time.
    Ivan Sparkowski
    Student & Founder of Biohand
  • Before enrolling in the course I felt like I was constantly drowning in tasks and deadlines. But now, I have the tools and strategies to stay organized, focused, and in control of my time.
    Sarah Jackson
    Project Manager at Stellar Ventures
  • The course helped me identify and eliminate time-wasting activities and distractions that were hindering my productivity. I learned how to delegate tasks effectively, streamline processes, and leverage technology to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time for strategic planning and business growth initiatives.
    Daniel Meyer
    Founder & SEO of MSS Solutions
Take control into your hands!
Become your life changer!
More Client Reviews
  • Sruti Sharma
    Project manager assistant in KuRi Solutions
    Thanks to the insights I gained from the time management course, I've been able to reclaim hours of wasted time each week and redirect it towards activities that bring me joy and fulfillment. It's truly been life-changing.
  • Michael Molefe
    Product owner at LLSD
    The course transformed my chaotic schedule into a well-oiled machine. I'm now able to prioritize effectively, meet deadlines with ease, and carve out more time for the things that matter most to my business.
  • David Evans
    Founder of Bright
    This mini-course keeps me rolling after so many months! It gave me guidance and opened some mental blockages.
How It Works
Apple Pay, Google Pay, Credit Card, PayPal, Blik and many other methods are available
Creating your Account
Send us receipt or a screenshot of your payment. You will receive the details.
Payment Received
After we have payment confirmation, we will create an account for you and send you the details.
Become great Time Manager
Now you are all set! Time to get better in Time Management and self organization!
Have fun!
We want you to get results. That is why we build the course in a very fun, engaging way.
If you will have questions during any point of your course or registration, you are very welcome to contact us:

Instagram - @nikoloz.official
Telegram - @Light_Life_Academy
Start Changing Now!
Course Price: €8.99