Each member will be added to Telegram Group where we will create like minded people's team and afterwards will be sharing our homeworks there.
Homeworks are built in the way that by doing them and reading other's homework we get inspired and gather new ideas and insights.
Group Coordinator is a person who will answer all your technical questions
Three-Week Video Content access for three months.
Each member will be added to Telegram Group where we will create like minded people's team and afterwards will be sharing our homeworks there.
Homeworks are built in the way that by doing them and reading other's homework we get inspired and gather new ideas and insights.
Group Coordinator is a person who will answer all your technical questions
Private Buddy - is the person who will motivate you and push you whenever you will be missing out. We will choose buddies from teams, so it is easy to track each other's development.
Every Saturday there will be hourly call together with Nikoloz, where will be discussed highlights of the week, best homework cases will be discussed, more inspirations, more insights gathered and further techniques learned.
Three-Week Video Content access for three months.
Each member will be added to Telegram Group where we will create like minded people's team and afterwards will be sharing our homeworks there.
Homeworks are built in the way that by doing them and reading other's homework we get inspired and gather new ideas and insights.
Group Coordinator is a person who will answer all your technical questions
Private Buddy - is the person who will motivate you and push you whenever you will be missing out. We will choose buddies from teams, so it is easy to track each other's development.
Every Saturday there will be hourly call together with Nikoloz, where will be discussed highlights of the week, best homework cases will be discussed, more inspirations, more insights gathered and further techniques learned.
Private coaching with Nikoloz includes private homework check, telegram assistance - giving further suggestions, voice messages, questions answering, telegram calls.