I was born in Tbilisi, Georgia. There, I spent my first 19 years and later on moved to Germany, in 2013. I finished my bachelor studies in Engineering Physics with biophysical background and continued with a master program of Neuroscience.

My friends and colleagues describe me as an extrovert and organized person as I am always open to communication and like planning everything in advance.

General Information
I pay a lots of attention to self-development. That is why I often visit workshops, conferences, lectures and attend online seminars of various themes. Here is an overview some of the workshops and seminars that I attended during the last year:

Working in a team and team-building
Project management
Time management
Scientific english
Be professional in networking
Take the stage or how to do a good presentation
More detailed description is provided here:
Social Engagement
Our society consists of individuals, it is all us building the society, we are small blocks of it. I believe if each small block will contribute something to others, then life will become better. This idea motivated me to start social engagement for already 4 years.

I succeeded to become a member of the organization called FoodSharing that saves food from markets and bakeries that they are not able to sell and shares with people in need.

In 2015 there was a big earthquake in Nepal and by self-initiative me and my fellow students created a team OldenburgHilftNepal. We wanted to support the Nepal population. In 2016 we were able to build a small school in the village Gorkha that is fully functional now.

As a person who wants to contribute to neuroscience, I am involved in the student body of my neuroscience program where we facilitate studies for our students. We create different events, help in the organisation of poster symposiums, invite externals for conducting workshops, create meeting ups for networking and do many other activities.